Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Invulnerable Me

--> Strike
Yesterday, I ''tution'' again... It has been six days and I'm still doing it..
It's fun, It's more like I'm addicted to it.
My lazy back keep pulling me in..

No doubt, Im still doing it too.

I went to Strike II.. Daniel Koay was there before me..
I started a 'HELLO' to him.
Then, we went GG

About 9, Jayang came together with Jia Shen.
What a surprse... My old friend reveal ^^

--> Gurney
While waiting for Jesther, The Man's Killer
I started a few rounds of Pools

I'm just improving... Realise that my Pool is getting better and better
Maybe Im just one step closer to the world's pool competition

I won five times and lost one

--> Queensbay
Mushroom! Yummy!
First time... meeting him.
Jesther's boyfriend
They were wearing couple shirt
How lovely
I admire them...
Admire ''it''

We went to have some ''Dragon Small Bun''
Then CYC whole day

Wasted Rm50
My Money!! T.T

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